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Exciting New Designs Drive Demand For Front Drive Garage Homes

  • Monday, August 22, 2022

What has room for two cars and a multitude of lifestyles? It’s not much of a riddle, as the answer can only be the double-attached front-drive garage home, or FDG home for short.

The FDG home is as ubiquitous as the suburbs they are generally found in. They are at the apex of the home-buying cycle. It is the home most everyone who has lived in an apartment suite, a duplex, or a townhome, aspire to live in eventually. Especially when they have children, and they see their families grow.

FDG homes come in many forms. In Calgary, they are usually two storey homes with three-bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, and a basement development options, and of course, a garage to fit two cars — or more.

They are the best fit for multi-generational households, and homebuilders have noticed a new trend of building a main floor bedroom with full bath for elderly parents of the homeowners. FDG homes with private access to basement suites have also become popular to realize the home’s potential for rental income.

Best of all is the convenience they offer as they are generally the largest of the traditional home types and have a higher level of finish, says Trico Homes area manager for Belmont, Will Jorgensen.

“They held their value better than any other home type during the downturn in 2020 immediately following COVID; there is a certain prestige to owning a front drive home among new homeowners,” he adds. “Many families moving up from apartments or rentals want to skip the intermediate laned/townhome stage and move right to front drive single family.”

Read more at NextHome.