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Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter During Social Distancing

  • Events & Family FunTrico Homes Blog
  • Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Easter is hopping up fast, and while this year’s festivities will noticeably be a little different, it doesn’t mean we should have a bunny-less celebration.

With a bit of creativity –  and the magic of the world wide web –  there are still plenty of ways to make this year’s holiday just as memorable and eggs-tra special for you and your kids.

Here are some fun ideas to celebrate Easter while social distancing!

Innovative Egg Hunts

Try adding clues with the hidden eggs! Make it into a scavenger hunt where each clue leads to the next egg, with a grand prize waiting at the end. You could even get friends & family involved by inviting them to video call or phone in with certain clues as well!

Or, try substituting chocolate for rewards! Instead of using the traditional Easter eggs, why not fill your eggs with other things that your family will enjoy, such as small toys or slips of paper with special privileges such as “getting to stay up an hour late one night”. This is a great way to adapt the egg hunt to your kids’ ages and preferences!

If you still want to do an egg hunt outdoors, another creative solution is to ask your fellow neighbours to hide eggs in their front yards (that are large enough to be visible from the street). Make it a challenge and see if your family can identify all the eggs hidden on the block!

Get a Head Start on your Garden

This is a great project that you can do together with your kids, especially at this time of year! Simply pick some seeds up on your next grocery trip, and plant them in these recycled finds commonly found throughout the house. Once the ground has thawed and the seedlings have begun to sprout, you can transfer them to your garden.

Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter During Social Distancing

Enjoy Church Services Online

Is going to church an Easter family tradition? While you may not be able to sit in your regular pew, you can still engage with your congregation from the comfort of your home as many churches in Calgary will be hosting services & sermons through live stream this weekend.

Spread the Love with Baked Goods

Let’s face it, we’re always looking for a good excuse to indulge in our favorite desserts. If you’re at home with time to spare, an afternoon of baking can produce both treats AND great memories with your kids. You can even bake extra goodies to deliver to your neighbours, friends or family – we could all use something sweet to cheer us up during this time.

Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter During Social Distancing

Creative Easter Craft Ideas & Activities

You can never have too many Easter decorations around your home! Here are some of our favorite craft ideas:

  • Q-tip Easter Egg Decorating: this one is perfect for younger kids and requires just a few tools, such as q-tips and water-soluble paints. Follow these templates to get started!
  • Paper egg wreath: take a look at the instructions here!
  • Handprint chick puppets: not only are they fun to make, but you can put on a play afterwards with these cute little paper puppets!
  • Check out this guide from Family Fun Calgary for even more suggestions!

Dine together over a Virtual Meeting Room

Although you may not be able to share a meal with all of your family and loved ones at the same table this Easter, you can still dine together via video conferencing! Take the time to give them a virtual hug, a message of appreciation or even a simple “I love you”.

Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter During Social Distancing

From all of us at Trico Homes, have a safe and hoppy Easter!

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