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Neighbour Day in Calgary

  • Events & Family Fun
  • Friday, June 16, 2023

Neighbour Day began in 2014 to celebrate the incredible outpouring of support and generosity the citizens of Calgary demonstrated towards their neighbours after the 2013 floods. It has evolved into an annual celebration of what makes Calgary such a great city – our strong and caring communities. Held annually on the third Saturday of June, Neighbour Day now provides the opportunity for Calgarians to celebrate our community spirit, kindness, and resilience.

This year, in celebration of Neighbour Day on June 17, the CBC has partnered with the Calgary Public Library on their Create Space in the Central Library for the month of June. Participants can enjoy refreshments, activities, and performances by local artists, as well as make connections with your neighbours and share what you love about your community!

If you would like to plan an event in your community, the City has organized a ton of resources to help you, with ideas, guides, and resources all available right on their Neighbour Day website. You can apply for Greenspace or Block Party permits for free, and you can even invite the mayor or your city councillor to attend your event!

Check with your local community association on what’s planned in your neighbourhood, or, even better, organize something yourself. Kick off the summer by getting to know your neighbours better!

If you have kids between the ages of 6 to 17, Sport Calgary is hosting their annual All Sport One Day events June 17, bringing FREE sport discovery opportunities to Calgarians in all quadrants of the city, including an activation in Marlborough Park on June 18, connecting with the Neighbour Day spirit.


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