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6 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Do This Winter

  • Home Owner Tips
  • Tuesday, March 9, 2021

While we always recommend winterizing your home before the cold weather hits, there are some tasks that also require your attention during this season. Completing these 6 action items will not only protect your home, but will create a healthier environment which is especially important during the pandemic. Read below for our list to help you get started!

1) Get your Air Ducts Cleaned

We value our HVAC system and furnace for its source of heat, but did you know it also collects dust and debris as the warm air circulates? That’s why regular air duct cleanings are recommended – this helps improve the air quality, and extends the life of your HVAC system. Remember to also change your furnace air filter every 3 months or so!

Bonus Tip: As part of Trico’s Red Card Program, we’ve partnered with local air duct cleaning companies to offer an exclusive promo/discount for Trico homeowners. Log in here with your password (listed on your home possession letter) to see the full details!

6 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Do This Winter

2) Clear your Vents from Snow & Ice

After a heavy snowfall, it’s not just your driveway and sidewalks that gets buried in snow – don’t forget about your vents! Make sure to check them regularly as blockages may cause your furnace to shut down, as well as an increased risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

3) Inspect your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

You should be doing this monthly, but in the winter it’s especially important considering spaces are more enclosed (windows are kept shut) which can trap dangerous fumes or smoke inside. Ensure that the batteries in each detector have adequate power and are working properly throughout the home.

4) Check and Repair Caulking

Doors and windows are prime culprits for letting in drafts of cold air in the winter, but one way to mitigate this is to ensure the edges are well caulked and sealed. Check any area of your home that have an opening to the outside, and repair any gaps you find. Windows can be sealed with a caulking compound (a rubbery substance) and you can apply weatherstripping (a tape-like seal) around doors.

6 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Do This Winter

5) Monitor Humidity Levels

Going from extreme cold to balmy chinooks is a familiar occurrence during Calgary winters, but this can also impact your home’s humidity levels. On colder days, moist air (produced when warm air comes into contact with cold air) starts freezing up in areas such as windows and attics, causing a build-up of ice. When the temperature rises, melting occurs which can result in dampness and drips inside. To avoid this situation, read our post here for tips to prevent excess moisture from gathering.

6) Take Care of your Floors

Even if you’re scraping your feet outside prior to coming in, your shoes can still track in remnants of winter salt, gravel and muddy water in your foyer, which can leave lasting damage to your floors if not cleaned up properly. To avoid this, consider laying down carpet mats or boot trays that can soak up that excess moisture, and wipe down your floors regularly.

6 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Do This Winter

Every home needs regular cleaning and maintenance in order to stay in good condition, and more importantly, provide you comfort for years to come. For more care tips, here are 12 additional DIY home maintenance & repairs you can do to keep your home looking and performing at its best, year-round!

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