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Hardwood in Calgary

  • Decor & DesignHome Owner Tips
  • Wednesday, November 12, 2014

If you have hardwood in your home, it’s probably crossed your mind a number of times how to protect it from our crazy Calgary weather. Warm and windy, cold and dry – and Chinooks?! Our fluctuating Alberta weather is so unpredictable.

Our Trade Partner, Alberta Hardwood, has the following advice to help protect your floors:

During humidity swings wood will expand and contract causing movement in the boards and some squeaking may occur. If you can maintain humidity around 30% this will help to prevent this problem.

Monitor windows during the colder months for condensation and turn the humidity down until the condensation goes away. It can be turned back up when the weather improves. Some separation and cupping between boards may occur while the humidity is down. This is normal and the wood will recover as your humidity comes back up.

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