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Vegetables & Friendships: The Benefits of Community Gardens

  • Lifestyle
  • Friday, March 22, 2019

Spring has officially arrived in Calgary! With more opportunities to engage in outdoor activities, it also marks the beginning of gardening season. Gardens can produce a wealth of treasures, from sweet-smelling flowers to mouth-watering vegetables, but also requires outdoor space with good growing conditions to get started – something that can be difficult to find in urban areas or if you live in a condominium.

That’s where community gardens come in – a dedicated space within the community with individual or collective gardening plots, where all residents have the opportunity to participate. Want to start Kondo-ing your home? Below are a few of our favourite KonMari decluttering tips.

There are many other benefits that these gardens offer, including:

  • A chance to meet new neighbours and fellow gardeners.
  • A unique place for community residents to gather, whether it’s for informal meetups or larger events.
  • The land is prepared in advance for gardening beds/plots, providing an ideal growing environment.
  • Cost savings through the sharing of tools & water utilities (depending on the garden). The City of Calgary also offers grants to new gardens.
  • If you’re away on vacation, it’s easier to find someone to care for your plot in your absence.
  • An enjoyable harvest time; learning about everyone’s gardening experience and what they’ve grown.

Interested in discovering your green thumb, or getting back in the garden again if you’re a seasoned pro? Below are more information to a few community gardens in/near some of the communities that Trico builds in:

Alternatively, if you’re interested in starting a community garden in your neighbourhood, the City of Calgary provides information here to help with the process.

Happy Gardening! If you’d like to learn about some other gardening tips, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter as we’ll be sharing more helpful articles over the next few months!

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