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Honourably Competitive – Cal Wenzel

  • Trico Moments
  • Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I have known and done business with Wayne and Trico Homes for over 20 years. During that time we have either participated in areas as two of several builders, as shareholders or as Joint Venture Partners in other areas. Over the 20 years this has included some 15 or more developments in Calgary and Area. During those various business ventures I have found Wayne to be of highest integrity, a partner who paid their share, was always open to discussion and who sold at fair market value to maintain the integrity of the area. I have always experienced Wayne’s’ business style as being honourably competitive, and a person with whom I have shared a mutually respectful relationship. Most of all, I consider Wayne a good friend who I could trust to always be honest in our business and personal relationship.

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