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TRIGONS – Grace S.

  • Trico Moments
  • Wednesday, June 14, 2017

TRIGONS – Trico’s Dragon Boat Team Some of my most memorable Trico moments occurred during the dragon boat practices and races I had with the Trico’s dragon boat team, the TRIGONS in the summer of 2016. Through TRIGONS, I have come to appreciate the Trico staff’s shared character traits: respectfulness, commitment, team-spirit, excellence-driven, and fun-loving. I remember the frustration I experienced on other dragon boat teams in previous years with members that did not demonstrate these characteristics, who would simply quit paddling in the middle of practices and races. But not TRIGONS. There were no quitters in TRIGONS, not even when some had to take pain killers to ease off their muscle pains between races, everyone kept up to the paddling pace and refused to quit on the team. Every practice the team would rise up to what the coach asked of us, and we pushed ourselves to improve on our performance. The Trico’s spirit in working with each other, upholding each other and winning with each other carried us through to the final race and we won the Corporate Challenge Championship! However, I thought the GOLD moment was not when we received the Gold medal, but really was the whole paddling experience when we set our strategy, pace together, focused on the finish line, grunting, chanting, and paddling through in unison and in pain till the very end in true Trico’s fashion.

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