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School Designations for Students Residing in Glacier Ridge

  • Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Calgary Board of Education (CBE) would like to advise of the following school designations for students residing in Glacier Ridge. These school designations will become effective for September 2022 and access to transportation services will not be available until that time. Between the date of the notice and the end of June 2022, any students that register and attend the designated schools will not be able to access transportation services and families will be responsible to get students to and from school.

Regular Program

General information regarding transportation services, fees and walk zones are available on the Calgary Board of Education’s website and at the schools.

Information Regarding Transportation Services for Regular Programs

Until yellow school bus service is added to new communities, we provide a stop as close as possible in a neighbouring community. The initial bus stop location may not fall within the current CBE guidelines for travel distance to a bus stop. Stops and services are reviewed as conditions change in a new community. For any questions, please contact

New communities are regularly assessed for their suitability for transportation services. We ensure there is a consistent and safe path that is clear of obstructions which are frequently caused by construction supplies and equipment in newer communities. We need city maintained roads for the yellow school bus to enter, maneuver to pick up students and safely exit the community. Next, we look for an appropriate place for a bus stop that will allow for consistent safe loading and unloading of passengers. Once there is a safe path and a safe stop location, we add yellow school bus service to new communities.

Alternative Programs at the CBE

The CBE also offers many alternative program choices for our students. For information regarding designations to other CBE programming opportunities visit Program Options.

The following chart outlines Glacier Ridge designations for alternative programs

Information Regarding Transportation Services for Alternative Programs

Students attending Alternative Programs may be designated to general transportation under the congregated bus stop model, or to Calgary Transit.

Congregated stops are used when students from the same or multiple communities congregate or gather at one stop to take a bus to their chosen school.

The bus stop may be well beyond reasonable walking distance from a student’s home. Families are responsible for student safety to, from, and at the bus stop and may be required to arrange for transportation to and from the congregated stop.

Information regarding students in Grades 6 and up who are designated to Calgary Transit is available on the Calgary Board of Education’s website

If you have questions, concerns, or require additional information, please contact the Area 1 office at 403-777-8710 (extension 0) or