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You Are Great Leaders! – Russ T.

  • Trico Moments
  • Friday, May 26, 2017

I am a “year 25” relationship.  Recent, but for me, as meaningful.  Active in the Calgary community, it was normal to be highly aware of the tremendous work and commitment of Trico.  Quite an amazing story.  Quite the contributions to the well-being of Calgary and Area. Investments in youth, community wellness, health, education and so many other areas.

But in late December of 2016 and again in January of 2017, I had the wonderful opportunity to have more than social conversations with Wayne Chiu.  I listened to his passion to make things better for those who are challenged and folks who don’t enjoy all the benefits that we get to take for granted.  He talked about creating opportunities that could help those folks enjoy fulfilling lives.  He convinced me to help with one of those projects.

I do things like this and it is inspiring work.  However, this one is special.  Special not because of the project in particular, but in how I have been able to watch as Trico employees, respected community leaders, Trico suppliers, and many others puff out their chests just for the opportunity to be associated with Wayne and Eleanor and the ‘Trico family’.  Everything about the team at Trico is done with principle.

It is now my opportunity to say thank you and congratulations.  25 year anniversaries are significant milestones.  To Wayne and Eleanor, and all the wonderful people they have pulled together to build, to strengthen, and to create futures, know that many are watching and are now trying to keep up to the high standards you have brought to us by your example.  You make us all better.

You are great leaders!

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