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Christine McIver

Kids Cancer Care

Christine M.

It was 1999 when I was first introduced to Wayne Chiu through two of our parents and Board members, Wayne Berg and Steve Cochrane. Wayne was deeply touched by the fact that his friends were travelling the often scary journey of childhood cancer with their children. In true Wayne fashion, he wanted to know how he could help and thus began a wonderful friendship and partnership with what has since become one of the most philanthropic companies in our city and province. Over the next 18 years, Trico Homes has been with us every step of the way by being a major donor to research, the first title sponsor of our motorcycle ride and now the main sponsor of our golf tournament and head shave program. Throughout this wonderful partnership, my dear friends Wayne and his lovely wife Eleanor have been there for our kids and families, served on the Board and have kept close through their support of many social events. The entire company gets behind Kids Cancer Care through volunteering at shaves, cooking shrimp at our golf tournament or hosting our kids at Global Fest. The Trico Foundation also helped us to start our social enterprise through a marketing grant to begin using our beautiful Camp Kindle for other great organization to rent for school, work and play retreats. This is a story that just keeps writing itself. And although I say Wayne and I grew our organizations together, if it wasn’t for Wayne’s forward thinking, trust, business savvy and generous, humble spirit, that I know Kids Cancer Care would not be in the great shape it is today! From the Board and staff of Kids Cancer Care and all the kids and families we serve, congratulations on 25 years of building great homes and changing lives!

Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

We’d love to hear about your favourite memory, story or experience with Trico.