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Nothing is more important to us than our customers and our community. Even amidst these uncertain times, we are feeling grateful for all the positive messages, good deeds and acts of kindness that have emerged, bringing all of us even closer together despite the physical separation. We launched the Trico Cares Program this spring to show how much we care for our customers and community – it’s our way of saying thank you for all the support we’ve received over the past 28 years.

For Our Customers

We can’t change what is happening around us, but we can provide you
comfort and confidence in your decision to purchase a home from Trico.

You’ve told us affordability and value are primary factors in your decision to purchase, especially during these challenging economic times. We are committed to providing you with exceptional value, without sacrificing the quality and features that you care about most. That’s why we engaged our trades and supplier partners in a major initiative this spring to help us add 5 new models to our Hallmark Homes Collection. Together, we uncovered major cost savings which we’re passing directly to you.

Trico Cares Program


That’s Why Our Savings Are Your Savings!

As part of the Trico Cares Program we are introducing the Hallmark Homes Collection, consisting of five top
selling models with the most popular features and upgrades. This new collection offers exceptional pricing
and the quality craftsmanship and customer service you’ve learned to expect from Trico Homes.

Trico Homes Hallmark Collection

The Rowan II
The Raeya
The Concord
The WInston
The STanley
*Prices include home, lot & GST. Prices & AC’s vary by community. Offer subject to change without notice. E&OE.

Contact a Trico Homes Expert

Neil Zeller

We are grateful to live and work in such a vibrant and entrepreneurial city. We also appreciate that the local businesses and the arts and culture community help make Calgary one of the world’s most liveable cities.

These groups have long supported our community, and now we’d like to do the same. This is our way of thanking them for everything they do, especially during these challenging times.

Neil Zeller Photograhy

1) Supporting Local Businesses

Calgary is home to so many wonderful small businesses and entrepreneurs. We stand with them and want to take this opportunity to help showcase their stories in the communities we live and work in.

CLICK HERE to meet some of the local businesses we spoke with and hear how they have evolved their business through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Read the inspiring stories of these businesses and learn more about their products/services.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing the stories of these inspiring business owners on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @TricoHomes. Follow us and show them some love and support at a time when they could really use it.


2) Supporting Arts & Culture****

We want to spread the word and share the joy of Calgary’s Arts and Culture community. As all of us adjust to life during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Arts are a great outlet in finding comfort and inspiration in our lives. We are continuing to share some of the great arts and culture events and performances taking place in our city.

CLICK HERE to view some inspiring Virtual Arts and Culture Events and special video performances available for all to enjoy.

Winner Announced from the Trico Homes Artmatch Gift Vouchers.

We are pleased to announce the names of the seven lucky Trico Homeowners that won a $500 Gift Voucher to All homeowners that purchased a Trico Home between April 25 – August 31st were entered into a draw to win a $500 Gift Voucher.

Trico Care Winners
Trico Homes Artmatch Gift Voucher Winner
Trico Homes Special Thank You
Trico Homes Trades